Ultrasonic Solutions for Sewage Treatment

In Sept 2015 Hilsonic successfully completed a project part-funded by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, with the aim of using ultrasound as a low-cost solution offering a number of significant benefits for the breakdown of sewage in wastewater treatment.
The proof of concept project facilitated the development of a Biosonic Reactor which applies ultrasound to the external surface of the device, preventing existing wastewater treatment challenges such as build up of material on internal projections and cavitational erosion of the sonotrode tip. This innovative process effectively removes the requirement for shutdown to maintain or repair deteriorated parts.
Current solutions for wastewater treatment involve tankering sludge and chemicals to large treatment works for further processing. The Biosonic Reactor can increase sludge solids content due to improved flocculation and settlement, resulting in a smaller volume of effluent for storage within holding tanks and a decreased load for transportation. By also eliminating the need for chemical flocking agents, the disposal mass is reduced even further. The clear advantage here is that large cost savings can be made and this in addition to the environmental benefits of a chemical free process and a reduced carbon footprint.
The Biosonic Reactor is retrofittable to existing lines with minimal disruption and can be used as a temporary mobile treatment facility to resolve site specific problems by installing the unit on a trailer.
Darren Pyke, Managing Director at Hilsonic, commented,
“Interest from the marketplace has been very positive and Hilsonic has now formed partnerships with several companies with a view to optimising the process for different sewage types and investigating scope for the application of ultrasound to a wider variety of problems relating to commercial effluent treatment.”